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Featured Financial Consultants websites
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Financial Consultants Sites | 1 to 8 of 8
Jason Wermie
Jason Wermie is the mortgage broker to help home buyers in Winnipeg plan and prepare finances to buy a home.
Quickbooks Tech Support
Technical support for Quickbooks. Contact Quickbooks technical support which offers premium help and financial guidance to Quickbooks customers manage business finances more efficiently. The support center offers instant access to certified Quickbooks technicians for technical support and help.
Canadian directory of companies providing financial services to Canadian residents and businesses. Includes listings for banking, mortgages, car loans, and other loans.
Really simple car and auto loan calculator for Canadians.
Tiber Creek: Reverse Mergers, Going Public & Public Shells
Provides information on how to take a company public, market makers, shell corporations for sale and market makers.
Reports available on private placements, how to go public with a company, how to raise capital and direct public offerings
Details of financial and other online scams
Site detailing financial scams that arrive either via social media, email, or advertised on common websites. Figure out whether an offer is a scam or no.
NewPoint Capital Partners
Newpoint Website
Verifica Consulting
Business Process Consultants, Bill 198 & Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002