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Featured Development websites

Industry Canada
Service provider to Canadian industry, including the tradmarks database, small business financing, federal corporation search, small business financing and Canadian industry statistics.

Development Sites | 1 to 8 of 8

Lets Talk Politics
Like politics? Debate against others about the latest hot topics!

Lac Carling Congress • Canada's Annual Forum on e-Government
E-government services, government vendor relationship, ESD

Eve Adams for Mississauga City Council - Ward 5
Official Website

Corporation de développement de l’Est (CDEST)
CDEC, Fonds d'investissement, Économie sociale, CJE, emploi

Office to Combat Desertification and Drought UNSO
Working on dryland development and combating desertification

Hartford Area Development Corporation
HADC markets the Dodge Industrial Park for the City of Hartford

Housing and Urban Development Corporation
The Jordanian government agency for the housing & urban sector.

City of Burlington Official Web Site
City of Burlington: Information, Services, Opportunities